Ayurveda is a medical system which is five thousand years old. According to Ayurveda a human being is a diminished model of the Universe. This model is created of five basic elements: ground, water, fire, air, and ether.
Ground is slowly moving and stable, and in a physical body ground is symbolized by flesh and bones.
Water is the element of movement and changes, which in a physical body is reflected in the processes of blood and lymph streams.
Fire is a transformation force. Presence or deficiency of fire influence metabolism and a human world of thoughts and feelings.
Air is moving and vaporous.
Ether is the most philosophical basic element – it represents the inner body where the play of other four forces takes place.
Health is a balance of all five forces.
Philosofical system of Ayurveda above the system of five forces forms also three important physical and emotional types, called doshas. It depends on doshas what type of food a human being can have, and which food can harm him. The basic knowledge of doshas should be acquired while learning the Ayurvedic massage techniques.
Dosha defines the intensity of massage, the choice of natural aromatic oils and base oils, and energetic targets of the massager.
Kafa is a balance of ground and water; Pitta is a unity of fire and water; Vata is a harmony of ether and air.
Here you can find a questionnaire for filling in to find out about dosha features and to define your own dosha. Atvērt šeit.
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