Sambahana is a massage of the whole body. It is performed with warm oils for relaxation and energy penetration. Sambahana takes 1.5 to 2 hours; it extends knowledge about energetic (marma) points.
Samahana consists of:
- face and ear massage,
- belly massage, which stimulates reproductive and digestive systems, deduces toxins, and stimulates the function of three lower chakras,
- chest massage which improves the work of the heart and blood vessels and streightens the function of the fourth and fifth chakras,
- hand and arm massage, which stimulates circulation of the blood and affects the function of the whole body through arm energetic points,
- leg and foot massage,
- hip massage which stimulates circulation of the blood, deduces toxins and reduces cellulite and excess weight,,
- back massage, for the spine is the body’s physical and energetic axis,
- head massage, which braces the nervous system and improves mind.
The course of Sambahana consists of nine lessons. Each lesson takes 3 hours.
You can sign up for the course by phone +371-29493710.